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What is RNI Registration in India?

RNI Registration is  the authorization to publish newspapers of publication in India. Provided by the Registrar of Newspaper in India, it’s the part  of the Press and Books Registration Act 1867. So, if you want to  establish your  newspaper or  publication, you’re required to obtain RNI certi?cate to legally start the process.

What the need for RNI?

If it’s one thing that you can count on in the morning, it’s the doorbell ringing. You step out of your home’s door and see the sunlight above, and today’s paper below. Your heart welcomes today’s news and you get on with your day informed and reliable. But, what if you become the reason of giving other publications or newspapers? What if, there exist a way to legally empower yourself to start your own publication?

In India, it’s the Press and Books Registration Act 1867 that oversees the introduction and publication of a new newspaper, magazine or a periodical. An ancient act, it established a regulatory body called Registrar of Newspapers in India of Ministry of Information and

Eligibility Criteria for RNI new

The process of RNI eFiling gov registration is important for the following entities:

1. Those who want to publish newspapers: Those in need of publishing their own newspaper, need to ?ll the RNI newspaper registration form

2. Those  who want to publish magazines: IF you want to publish periodical magazines. you need to obtain RNI registration for magazine.

1 news paper registration in delhi check list for authentication of declaration of newspaper registration /magagine 1. 4 copies of b form 2. 1 photo and
2 specimen signature attested by gos.
3. copy of printing press declaration attested by gos.
4. copy of title issued from rni attested by gos.
5. affidavit (as per specimen) attested by notary.
6. copy of resolution in case of owner is firm/company/society.
7. income proof attested by gos.
8. residential proof attested by gos.
9. copy of appointment letter of publisher/printer in case the owner is not publisher/printer
10. ten photographs of applicant
11. id and address proof of applicant
12. id and address proof of printer
13. id and address proof of editor
14. details of proposed financial investment in the newpaper/ magazine
15. periodicity of the publication
16. required ten name of newspaper
17. language of publication

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