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An NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) is a group of people, institutions, volunteers, civilians & community who work for the welfare of society in a voluntary social organization. NGO is also called NPO (Non-profit Organization).
The NGO has a separate legal entity form. And, after its incorporation in Section 8 of the Companies Act, it gets financial aid from the Government of Indiafor their functioning for the welfare of the society.
The NGOs are private agencies that carry a common cooperative objective to support local, national, and international development through awareness on social issues that influence policy changes, etc. 
If the person wants to collaborate with NGOs for societal changes and the welfare of the society, then they can assist or work with these organizations without any registration.
The main objective of operating NGOs is Not Profit-Making but, to serve for the welfare of the society and bringing positive changes when needed.

What are the different categories of NGOs?

There is a different classification of NGOs, as shown below:

According to the level of Orientation

Charitable Orientation:-

These NGOs are associated with a charity. Their objective is to meet the needs of poor people; helping them with food, clothes, medicines, etc. They also influence provisions to provide them shelter facilities. Charitable NGOs also undertake relief activities at the time of any natural calamity.

Participatory Orientation:-

The main focus of participatory NGOs is on community development projects. They also invite contributions from local people in the form of cash, machinery, labor, etc. Cooperative groups usually prefer these organizations and hold the responsibility of the development project from its planning until the implementation.

Empowering Orientation:-

These NGOs are also known as Advocacy. These NGOs focus on some particular issues or specific social causes. Their main motive is to create awareness among poor people or illiterates regarding government policies, norms, rules and regulations, rights provided by the government, and all factors affecting their lives. These NGOs can also act as facilitators and hence, encourage volunteers to serve with them.
The NGO DARPAN is maintained by NITI Aayog w.e.f. 1st January, 2015. NITI Aayog invites all Voluntary Organizations (VOs)/ Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to Sign Up on the Portal.VOs/NGOs play a major role in the development of the nation by supplementing the efforts of the Government. This portal enables VOs/NGOs to enrol centrally and thus facilitates creation of a repository of information about VOs/NGOs, Sector/State wise. The Portal facilitates VOs/NGOs to obtain a system generated Unique ID, as and when signed. The Unique ID is mandatory to apply for grants under various schemes of Ministries/Departments/Governments

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