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Change of Name

Change of name in central govt e-gazatte

  1. Adopting differrent surname
  2. Adoption of child
  3. Change of name of govt employee
  4. Change of name and gender
  5. Change of name -  minor person
  6. Change of name of minor after dicvorce
  7. Change of name – adult person
  8. Change of religion
  9. Change Of Name After Divorce
  10. Public notice of lost/stolen/destroyed
  11. Public notice change of name
  12. Public notice

Guidelines for notifictaion of lost/destroyed/stolen notice (in three issues)

Notice for advertisement of Public Notice in the Gazette of India Part-IV regarding correction of name /names, change of sex, adoption cancellation of major, change of name of children and father on re-marriage etc.

The following documents are required for publication of advertisement of public notice in the Gazette of India Part IV.

  1. Original Newspaper
  2. Photocopy of F.I.R. (self-attested)
  3. Photocopy of F.I.R. (self-attested)
  4. Prescribed proforma in duplicate duly typed with signature of applicant and two witnesses.
  5. C.D. containing the print matter without witness portion in MS Word and type name in place of signature.
  6. Two self-attested passport size photographs and photocopy of     ID proof (self-attested).
  7. A certificate duly signed by the applicant declaring therein that the contents of hard copy and soft copy are similar.

Request letter along with the requisite fee.

The applicant who wishes to get his/her advertisement of Lost/destroyed/Stolen Notice published in the Gazette of India Part-IV has to comply with the following formalities prior to publication of such advertisement.

  1. The matter of advertisement must be published in one of the daily  local  leading newspaper showing details of the case.
  2. Printing matter as prescribed in the various attached specimen proforma duly complete in all respects by typing the same on a separate plain paper and signed by the individual in his I her name, with two witnesses in duplicate should be submitted along with Soft Copy (CD MS Word).  The proforma must be computer typed.
  3. The applicant is required to submit two self-attested passport size photographs along with application with all the requisite documents containing two passport size photographs and copy of photo ID proof, both duly self-attested.
  4. The printing charges for publication of Lost / destroyed / Stolen Notice is for 3 issues Rs.3600/- The amount will have to be submitted thorough NTRP (Non-Tax Receipt portal i.e., www.bhartkosh.gov.in from 01/10/2018 onwards vide Department Order No. Cash/NTRP/2018-19 Dated 04/10/18 in pursuance of Principal Accounts Office, M/o Housing & Urban Affairs' O.M.No. G-20018/Pr. Ao/UD/A/Cs/NTRP/2018-19/1489-1504 Dated 01-10-2018.
  5. All the aforesaid documents, printing charges together with forwarding letter and Photo ID Proof addressed to The Controller of Publications, Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi -110054 should either be submitted personally or be sent by post to this Department. The documents must not be older than one year.
  6. The documents once submitted in this Department will not be returned my any circumstances, neither original nor Xerox copy.
  7. The public dealing hour for this purpose in this Department are 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM on all working days.
  8. Every application should be supported by self-attested Photo ID proof of the applicant. Application either submitted personally or sent by Post I Courier only will be entertained. No other channel is permissible viz Agents, Advocates, etc.
  9. A certificate duly signed by applicant declaring therein that the contents of hard copy and soft copy are similar with the undertaking that the applicant will be responsible for any mismatch or loss in transit.
  10. After the application is received completed in all respect, the request will be sent for notification to the respective Government of India Press.
  11. This Department will not be responsible for any delay in printing on the part of concerned Press.
  12. The Controller of Publications, being the publisher of the Gazette of India, reserves the right to reject any request found incomplete/ vague/ unlawful/ misleading printing material for publication of the matter.
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